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Old 05-19-2023, 10:41 PM   #53
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Default Re: Merged Thread - Rewards and Punishment

From Geo. H. Ramsay:

"There was a time when the great foundation doctrine of justification by faith had been all but obliterated from the minds of Christians, till Luther was raised up and commissioned by God to disinter and make known, and to expound and defend it with his life.

Similarly, the doctrine of responsibility and accountability of every redeemed soul to his Redeemer, naturally arising out of his redemption, has passed from the knowledge of the Church for the most part: certainly, in general, as a living and urgent power over the lives of disciples of Christ. And the future effect upon the believer of this present relationship to his Redeemer is completely ignored by most; namely, that, as a responsible agent of Christ, he must hand in an account of his stewardship before the Judgement Seat of his Lord; that from his Lord's lips he will receive the sentence due to him, be it good or bad, according as he has been faithful or unfaithful, obedient or disobedient, holy or sinful.

This is almost passed over in the teaching of the Church, and the mere thought of it is hateful to many. Nevertheless it is as clearly set forth in Scripture as is the doctrine of Justification by Faith, and it is intended to produce, and does produce, the ripened and steadfast and overcoming life of the disciple who watches and waits for the return of his Lord, that he may go out with joy to meet Him and be received by Him."
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