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Old 05-19-2023, 04:23 AM   #10
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Default Re: Ronnie Chan Introducing Vladimir Putin

Originally Posted by Nell View Post

You might consider asking RChen your questions face-to-face. That may not be possible for you, but it would be appropriate.

Nell, according to my observations, it would be their hypocirty than loving money itself that has
caused problems. Ronnie Chan is quite famous among Asian churches than those in the West, because he has "ministered" mostly in Asian countries, while doing business. I guess there would have been no time when he visited Korea except for business trip. He seemed to be proud of his dual jobs (both minster and business man), but I can say that is the root of problem.

To appease your possible curiosity, I will tell you the story I experienced.

He was suffering from jet lag on the day he was supposed to speak the word for the responsible brothers in Korea, meaning physically it was impossible to minister Christ for Korean brothers, but some leading brothers in Korea and he just pushed for the meeting. Terribley, he dropped off to sleep during the meeting, and naturally his speaking was not appropriate. The brother who was in charge of presiding the meeting asked the audience if there is any questions to Ronnie Chan, but no brother dared to ask question, so I volunteered to ask a simple question to wrap up the humdrum meeting ASAP. then Ronnie gave us an unacceptable answer(obviously out of haziness from lack of sleep). Upon listening to his answer, I pointed out that I cannot accept his answer simply because the answer was off the chart and inappropriate. Which was followed by sudden verbal attacks to me from some leading Korean brothers, they were so angry at me like who are you dare to be defiant and ask back to "the brother", the example of both sucessful business man and minister of the word in the LC. I was about 25+ years of church life at that time, with some doubts about unbiblical practices of the LC, and this incident made me stop my churh life in Korea.

I've heard Ronnie Chan just left Korea the next day. If he was a real minister of Christ, would he have just left without any effort to solve the problem he caused? In the NT, we have seen a lot of examples of apostles who really cared for local churches day and night, but Ronnie Chan's ministering is just kind of his "hobby" to mimick the speaking of WN or WL, traveling all over the world doing his own some trillion dollars business.
In short, I think I do not need to contact Ronnie for face to face meeting. His leaving Korea just the next day even without any apolozing word by phone or email or message tell us a lot of things.

The story does not stop at this point. The above mentioned experience is just a tip of iceberg. The more serious things have transpired in Korea, partly (if not mostly) due to this kind of bad examples of doing business in the church life. I just want to pause here for now. The story is too shocking to be true, and I'm not sure if or not it is okay to tell you the whole part in this open forum.
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