Originally Posted by Onlooker
Just a question on this topic that I figured I ask:
Since the RV and the members of LC constantly focus themselves on this concept of “reality”, which seems to be changing from year to year, does the truth also change from year to year?
Is there even such a thing as a past truth or present truth? Isn’t what was true 2000 years ago is still true today?
In the LC it's well-known that the 'reality' is whatever the Maximum Brother (MB) wants today. It's a theology (and practice) of convenience. Watchman Nee promoted local independence of faith communities, but only until they were shed of Western influence. Then he "recovered" the Jerusalem Principle, where all local assemblies had to get in line with HQ, in his case the Shanghai Assembly.
WN had close 'apostolic' female co-workers in his Little Flock: Dora Yu, Peace Wang, Ruth Lee. In Witness Lee's LC, women couldn't even give a message in a local assembly.
In WL's Recovery Version of the Bible, if King David cursed his enemies and swore vengeance, then this was "fallen humanity" and "natural concepts" according to the footnotes, while a few chapters later, similar passages were called types of Christ defeating Satan. And so on, where 'reality' is whatever seems convenient for MB today. Hopefully, the heel-rocking, fist-pumping, incessant chanting and shouting has dulled one's perceptions, and the contradictions are not so constant or glaring as to cause trouble.