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Old 05-15-2023, 11:25 AM   #7
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Default Re: Share my opinion as a server in Local Church

Originally Posted by TLFisher View Post
Yes, so true.
Those members/visitors in LC meetings need to realize there is no way that handle problems and/or concerns. To try to do so you would only get blindsided. One becomes a problem by seeking to address a problem. Better to just leave and find a non-sectarian church to meet with.

Lee's teaching/ministry is a hierarchy that goes from the top down. Even though LSM/LC co-workers will acknowledge Witness Lee made mistakes, they will never admit nor concede Witness Lee was wrong. It's part of the deputy authority teaching taught to present elders all the way down to the newest members.

Children who are raised in the local churches are indoctrinated with the deputy authority teaching. In a nutshell, even if a deacon/elder/co-worker is wrong they're still right. It is not a matter of how educated a sister or brother is. The issue is deputy authority. A sister or brother can plainly see where the Bible proves Lee's ministry was in error. A Local Church leader would only see you are using the Bible to attack Lee's ministry.

Breadfish's point is taken though. Many in the Local Churches accept Witness Lee's ministry (via LSM publications) as being Biblically correct 100% of the time. I would guess most in the Local Churches do not fact-check Witness Lee's ministry against the Bible.
In our region, TC knew that John Ingalls was an honorable and godly man, while the sons of Lee were despicable and obnoxious. He knew the facts first hand, having grown up in Taipei and knew them all personally. In John Ingalls' book STTIL, John relates how the two discussed serious problems in Anaheim at the LSM offices. Initially TC was sympathetic and supportive of John. Then after he visited WL himself, TC suddenly flip-flopped. TC was forced to "choose sides." And we know who side he chose.

Yet, on several occasions, in regional gatherings in Cleveland, TC would tell us that it was always wrong when leaders forced the saints to "choose sides." It was like contentious parents forcing their children to choose sides. Unfortunately, for whatever reason, TC threw JI under the bus and then kept quiet concerning the actual facts of the conflicts in Anaheim. TC then began saying that, "WL is my spiritual father, and his mistakes are none of my business."

Actually, no, that was not an acceptable answer. If your father is sinning and abusing your mother, grown children should step in to protect her, and expose the abuse. The specifics of the situation determine the necessary course of action, but TC's comment to JI that, "you owe WL even your life," was way beyond the pale. That was to take what we owe only our Lord Jesus, and give it to an errant servant. Because of this, none of the Midwest saints ever learned about the real corruption at LSM.

When Paul wrote to Timothy about sinning elders/ministers, he provided both wise and necessary instruction on how to handle sinning situations and at the same time benefit the entire body of Christ. (see I Timothy 5.19-21) What we later learned, however, was how these matters in Anaheim were actually handled with "both prejudice and partiality," exactly the opposite of Paul's instructions. They used the unbiblical practice of "covering the brothers," instead of rightfully reproving those who sin.
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