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Old 05-09-2023, 11:14 AM   #43
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Default Re: The Rod: Temporary Punishment for Christians at the Judgment Seat of Ch

Originally Posted by Sons to Glory! View Post
Chuck and wife Nancy, about 10 years ago, saw the matter of Christian rewards for works and wrote about this in their book, "The Kingdom, Power & Glory (the overcomer's handbook)." However, I don't think he ever came to see the matter of first-fruits and harvest.
Beyond the many diverse versions of the Bible and numerous word-study aids, I really don't read others' books. It is unfortunate that most of those who frequent this forum reject any of WL's teachings not generally found in today's churches, whether they match the scripture or not. I do know some people who love Missler's videos and books, and apparently most of them are quite good.

I basically get turned off whenever I hear "Chuck Missler said ..." just as I did when I heard "WL said ..." or "Titus said ..." I definitely prefer the plain language of the New Testament. The OT can be supportive, of course, but the NT is our guide. When it comes to end time prophecy, the NT is like the pieces of an incomplete puzzle. No matter how well we can put these puzzle pieces together, there will always be questions about the "missing pieces."
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