Thanks to PriestlyScribe, I suspect, for coming up with the website:
My face to face interaction was limited to a Southern California vacation in 2010. Driving from where I was staying to Anaheim was not all that far.
Though John met at Church Assembly in Westminster, it was another brother MB (whose son I had been friends with 1973-1981) who invited me. Another brother BG I knew from the church in Anaheim met there too. Back in the 70's BG's wife used to drive me to speech therapy.
My 22 month your old son Nathan, would not sit still in the meeting for my wife and I. He ran up to the front row and sat contently with John duration of the meeting. My wife and I were surprised any hyperactivity Nathan had was gone.
In the lunch that followed the meeting, John invited MB, my wife, and I among others to his home for lunch the following Tuesday. It was a very good time.
John admitted to us he appreciated Witness Lee's ministry. Much of what blended brother types have to say about John verbally and online are lies.
There are former elders that have had negative things to say about Witness Lee, but John was not one of them. Not to me.