Originally Posted by UntoHim
"The Lord needed a certain kind of person to carry out a particular kind of ministry under the vision of the age, so that the desire of God's heart for this age will actually be carried out."~Ron Kangas
"Since John, according to the will of Jesus, directly sees and hears the explanation of everything recorded in Revelation, John's testimony is the only testimony regarding Revelation that is true"(p. 26)
"Apart from Jesus, John is the only other one who ascends into and descends from heaven to testify about what he sees and hears. 'What must happen after these things' refers to all the events John sees in the spiritual kingdom of heaven. In other words, John sees all the events described in Revelation 4-22, including when the spiritual throne of God described in Revelation 4 returns to unite with God's people in the physical world... a pastor like Apostle John testifies about what he hears in the spiritual heaven, just as Jesus did at the time of his First Coming." (p. 97)
"What does it mean for John to eat the open book? It means he completely understands the content and writes it on his heart. When New John eats God's book, he becomes a walking Bible." (p. 220)
"Just as Jesus testified about the fulfillment of the Old Testament, the New John testifies about the fulfilment of the New Testament. The angel Jesus sends from the spiritual world for the churches reveals all the events in the book of Revelation to the new John. This pastor becomes the messenger of Jesus and testifies on Jesus' behalf according to what he has seen and heard." (p. 561)
"Which pastor should believers follow? Should we follow a general pastor who learns the Bible incompletely from a conventional theological seminary, who is ordained by men, and who becomes a pastor capable of preaching only within his own denomination? Instead, should we not follow the true promised pastor anointed directly by Jesus himself (Rev 1:17-19), the pastor who sees God's kingdom, his spiritual kingdom (Rev 4), the pastor who receives and eats the open book (Rev 10), and the pastor to whom an angel is sent to show and explain all the events of Revelation (Rev 22)?"
The Physical Fulfillment of Revelation by Lee Man-Hee
There are a number of parallels, here, to the Watchman Nee/Witness Lee phenomena. As I said in post #86, the post-Lutheran world allows for individual interpretation of Scripture, which in some extreme cases will then include those who say they're the New Paul (Witness Lee and promoters), or the New John (Lee Man-Hee et al). All these so-called revelations are angling towards some variant of "I'm the greatest living disciple of Jesus", which implies that all believers should be discipled to that new MOTA. But this idea of having a MOTA violates the spiritual ABCs taught in the gospels!
Mark 9:33,34 Then He came to Capernaum. And when He was in the house He asked them, "What was it you disputed among yourselves on the road?" But they kept silent, for on the road they had disputed among themselves who would be greatest.
This, 'I am greatest since Paul' and 'I am the new Apostle John' is focused on self, not on the kingdom, aka 'the least of these my brothers'. It therefore violates the basic tenets of the gospel. The current disciples of Witness Lee or Lee Man-Hee aren't capable of seeing this, any more than the disciples of Naason Joaquin Garcia can grasp that he isn't the modern day Prophet of God - even though he's in jail for the most heinous of crimes!
Those who get enmeshed into the self-reinforcing system built by the would-be "greatest follower of Jesus" often lose the ability to get external bearings, and subsequently find the way out. But we can warn those who are without, on the college campus and in the shopping mall, that when they're approached by disciples of these supposedly Great Men, that the spirit they're seeing is not of freedom but subjection.
Originally Posted by Ohio
If WN was actually the "legitimate" successor of John Darby, then why doesn't any of these Exclusive Brethren know about this? How can Nee and Lee be MOTA's when we learned all about MOTA's from these Brethren?
From one of their websites: "Bruce D. Hales is the current 'Beloved Leader', the 'Man of God', the 'Elect Vessel', the 'Minister of the Lord in the Recovery', the 'CEO' who 'cannot fail' and has absolute ... " Notice how similar the jargon is.
Like I said, this MOTA thing is spelled S-C-A-M.
Jesus said, "let no one deceive you."
What's so fascinating about these related phenomena is that when you are without, you can see clearly that it's a self-oriented scam and fraud. The gap between the claims and reality is so glaring. But once you are in, and agree to be 'trained' or 'discipled', and shut off outside sources, there's no method of orientation, or self-correction. The only available path is that from the mind of the self-proclaimed MOTA, a room full of mirrors. Once the multimedia web sites and international outreach and campus teams and training centres are established, there's no need for external sources. Everything has either been subsumed by the Vision of God's Oracle, or is negated and rejected. So these strange little religious worlds are built up, these little Kingdoms of Self, that look absurd to everyone but those who are within them.