Originally Posted by Raptor
The Rod: Will God Spare It?: An Exhaustive Study of Temporary Punishment for Christians - Joey D. Faust
These truths are not at all popular with today's Christians. Most will not even take the time to examine the verses, preferring to readily dismiss them as addressing the unbelievers. Unfortunately, both the book, the author, and the publisher appear no longer available.
Personally I have recently been startled by Paul's specific answers to the Thessalonians in 2 Thess chapter 2 about the coming of our Lord. Whereas, so many churches continually expect some great coming "revival," Paul, however, speaks about a definite apostasy, a great falling away of the church, from the faith, which must precede His return. Paul also speaks of a powerful delusion, a great prevailing error system, for those who reject the love of the truth, and God will give these ones over to this great delusion to believe the lie. The apostasy refers to those who now embrace the faith, whereas the delusion applies to all those who reject the love of truth.