Originally Posted by Swed
*Important Message*
To everyone reading this comment section, the above conversation just demonstrated a complete arbitrary nature of a typical accuser who criticizes the local church as if their words have higher authority over us, while having no ways to justify that. Basically, “Don’t listen to Witness Lee, listen to ME instead”
I’ve pointed out that this channel is doing just the same thing as the ministry, both giving biblically interpreted teachings. Why is he hypocritically telling our church to stop certain ministries? Wouldn’t that mean we get to also tell him to stop his YouTube videos? In the conversation above, he only repeatedly denied the fact that he’s told us to stop ministry teachings, no answers.
This channel closed the conversation when asked to address why he thinks his Bible interpretations have any higher authority to judge Witness Lee’s ministry. Both of them are fallible interpretations made by men. Fundamentally, they should have the same authority level, but this channel has repeatedly crossed that level and presented himself to be more correct than Witness Lee’s ministries.
Very ironic, the ministry that is being intensely refuted by this channel “Get out of your mind and TURN TO YOUR SPIRIT” is actually being strengthened by how this channel reveals his arrogance and self-contradictions. He can’t justify why his position is any higher authority than another’s. This was why Witness Lee encouraged the saints to just turn to their spirit and allow the Holy Spirit to touch them.
The above is my response to fight against this accuser’s judgement. Much grace.
This is a typical way a conversation with the local church members goes, if you can call this a conversation.
Just a few takeaways:
1). According to Lee/Nee in their own words, They are “RECOVERING” something that once was. That’s what the “Lord’s Recovery” is all about. What’s very unfortunate however, is that in almost 1900+ history, most of the teachings of both men did not exist, were never taught by anyone else, or if they find some sort of connection it’s extremely bent to fit their ideology. Are there any historical references that one can see where they’re “recovering” these things from? Is there a bunker in China or Anahiem that those who want to see proofs can access, in order to verify that the first church in Acts just buried and lost all of these great teachings and all of a sudden Lee was the chosen one to “recover” it? I would say it’s not some “Lord’s Recovery”, it’s an invention of both men, who could never get along with other believers, and just went of the deep end to build their own “church”, and claim things in order to look as if they have some special spiritual maturity and revelation that has not existed for 1900 years.
2). The responsibility for seeking the truth falls on each believer, and EACH will answer to God about it, and Lee will not be holding your hand and whispering the answers into your ear! This idea of this mob approach of the local church, when it comes to Biblical interpretations, church history, and questioning those who claim things as Lee and Nee said without ANY EVIDENCE, scriptural or otherwise is repugnant. I will say that 90% of the people in this movement, have never ever read anything outside of the LSM publications regarding the items I mentioned above. Contrary, they’ve been brainwashed to only accept those things that have been approved by the minions of Lee. So to have a discussion or a debate with people about spiritual beliefs and teachings when they only are capable of stonewalling you because they have nothing to offer due to purposeful actions of those men that they are following, is totally useless and brings absolutely nothing but empty buzz.
3). To finish here, anytime you read a post by the members of local church, and these words or combinations will be in their writings:
accusations / natural / typical accuser / higher authority / not turning to your “spirit” / arrogance / please reconsider / self inflating / rebellion / breaking the oneness / eating of the wrong tree / not taking the head / not caring for the body / causing ruckus among the saints / persecuting the church / dishonoring those before you / ungrateful for the sacrifice of Nee & Lee / speaking for satan / full of death / one with no discernment / taking things out of context / showing only one side / lacks understanding / untrained in the ministry / lack vision / not part of the vision / not good building material / not opening up enough / not calling on the Lord / you are in your mind / I’m “feeling __X__” / please stop, or I’ll cut off all contact / I can’t be around you, because you are not on the ground / we are not of the same / your questions are very religious / I pray you get recovered
these are ALL JUST A REPETITIONS of those that lead and control them. Thats all these people hear and read every day and every Sunday, so you just can’t get mad and lose your ability to communicate when you know that’s all that they can do, and it’s their fault that they have given them their full consent of their whole being. It’s like the alarms should be going off anytime that these buzz words are used for everyone. All that it means is that you touched something that they CANNOT give answers to, show where it’s written, history and where they recovered it from. As we all know in our most recent history, that “Trusting the experts”, or in this case the MOTAs and the Blended, is a very bad idea, regardless of their science and ways they have the ability to convolute the truth.
Members of the local churches have allowed themselves to be a group of hopeless victims, who are on the crusade to archive the ultimate goal, the utopia of which supposedly there was none since the real Apostles walked this earth. Under this illusion, maltreating everyone outside their bubble, destroying peoples good conscience, behaving badly while claiming that we don’t care about good or bad because it’s about intuitive expression of the “spirit” - is a highest peak of psychological luxury, the most delicious of moral treats.
The only thing that’s normal about this group, is that what is normal is eradicated from their beings from childhood. They adjust to this mode of existence, because their human voices have been silenced from the very beginning of their lives or from the moment of entering into this movement. Their only normal abilities which are left, is their relation to this profoundly abnormal society they associate themselves with. They love their oppression, love the spiritual methodology that’s used to produce this blinded servitude. It’s sort of concentration camp without tears, having your liberty taken away without a fight, but instead of standing up, they rather enjoy it!
The purpose of this movement is an old ancient method: to make one set of people forget that certain other sets of people are also believers, but not on the same level of “life”, or in this case “Gods Economy”. It’s been used in every walk of life, every revolution and every new religious group. If one can convince a following of people to do just that, he obtained total control, and with it made them adore his techniques, and ways that undo their capacity to think. When you assemble this into group setting, which is one of the highest goals of this movement, people lose their power of reasoning and ability to make moral choices, but rather focus on the motives of the group, which is in a lot of cases becomes a moving goalposts.
Great sign off Roy Chan, it’s kind of like wrapping a pile of manure with a Christmas paper and gift bow 💝, with hope that no one passes out from the exuberantly pungent stench that it yields!🤧😷🤢