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Old 04-30-2023, 04:09 PM   #316
Join Date: Dec 2009
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Default Re: Examining the Lord's Recovery Episode #55

Originally Posted by Terry View Post
I witnessed something similar in Bellevue, WA at my uncle's memorial service in 2014. Steve Isitt was there. None of the metro Seattle (Bellevue/Seattle/Renton) elders who were present could approach Steve either. There was a magnetic field preventing the brothers from approaching Steve. I say that in sarcasm, but it demonstrates the brothers unwillingness to be cordial at best.
Terry I like your use of the magnetc force field analogy. Being cordial is not in the WL lexicon because it's a trait of functioning humanity. I see this phenomenon to be like a subroutine tucked away inside an innocuous computer code. Whenever the LC leaders (Lee-Bots) spot someone whom they have been preconditioned to hate by Lee's programming they are compelled to either run the other direction or, if that's not possible due to the circumstances, pretend that this person they learned to hate does not exist.

And if miraculously a tiny spark of human nature has escaped molestation inside one of those Lee-Bots leading them to have second thoughts, another subroutine will spring into action and slaughter it!

The inner subroutine reminds the Lee-Bot: "If I am seen interacting with someone that Lee's system has trained us to hate - there will be personal hell to pay!"

I would like to believe that this second subroutine was at work in Sherman Robertson and Joel Kennon when they threw Steve Isitt out of the meeting hall for writing this Amazon best seller...

What is the opposite of a tractor beam?
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