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Old 04-29-2023, 05:11 PM   #223
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Default Re: YouTube Channel - The Lord's Recovery Unchained

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To everyone reading this comment section, the above conversation just demonstrated a complete arbitrary nature of a typical accuser who criticizes the local church as if their words have higher authority over us, while having no ways to justify that. Basically, “Don’t listen to Witness Lee, listen to ME instead”

I’ve pointed out that this channel is doing just the same thing as the ministry, both giving biblically interpreted teachings. Why is he hypocritically telling our church to stop certain ministries? Wouldn’t that mean we get to also tell him to stop his YouTube videos? In the conversation above, he only repeatedly denied the fact that he’s told us to stop ministry teachings, no answers.

This channel closed the conversation when asked to address why he thinks his Bible interpretations have any higher authority to judge Witness Lee’s ministry. Both of them are fallible interpretations made by men. Fundamentally, they should have the same authority level, but this channel has repeatedly crossed that level and presented himself to be more correct than Witness Lee’s ministries.

Very ironic, the ministry that is being intensely refuted by this channel “Get out of your mind and TURN TO YOUR SPIRIT” is actually being strengthened by how this channel reveals his arrogance and self-contradictions. He can’t justify why his position is any higher authority than another’s. This was why Witness Lee encouraged the saints to just turn to their spirit and allow the Holy Spirit to touch them.

The above is my response to fight against this accuser’s judgement. Much grace.
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