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Old 04-26-2023, 12:41 PM   #3
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Default Re: Ronnie Chan Introducing Vladimir Putin

Originally Posted by aron View Post
I read most of the transcript. Ronnie Chan is in a room with the Presidents of Russia, Japan, Korea, Mongolia. He introduces them one by one, then they all have a question-and-answer period. At one point, he asks one of them, "So, how's economic conditions in your country?" and they say, "Oh, things are fine here, growth and stability and whatnot". Then he says, "Oh, good, so my 4 billion dollars that I have invested there is safe, I guess." The $650,000 that Morningstar gave CRI for passing grade was like $5 in the collection plate on Sunday morning. Ronnie Chan could buy 1,500 CRIs for 1 billion dollars, and then he still has 3 billion dollars left over! And that's just counting his investments in one country!
I thought JND and WN said we should never get into politics because it was "worldly." Apparently hosting the Eastern half of the World Economic Forum sidesteps that problem.
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