Originally Posted by aron
But by definition, there can't be multiple valid claims to have the one vision for an age, or likewise to one apostle/revelator/oracle for that vision and age. There are then two possibilities here: either they're all frauds, or all but one is a fraud. They can't all be true: just like the New Testament with Jesus, there may have been multiple claims to Messiahship, but there could only be one true Messiah, by definition.
Amen to this. It was my own personal study of the Plymouth Brethren 20 years ago that exposed to me the MOTA fraud. Supposedly they were our spiritual forbears, or so I was told for 30 years. But we got a problem here.
If WN was actually the "legitimate" successor of John Darby, then why doesn't any of these Exclusive Brethren know about this? How can Nee and Lee be MOTA's when we learned all about MOTA's from these Brethren?
From one of their websites: "
Bruce D. Hales is the current 'Beloved Leader', the 'Man of God', the 'Elect Vessel', the 'Minister of the Lord in the Recovery', the 'CEO' who 'cannot fail' and has absolute ... " Notice how similar the jargon is.
Like I said, this
MOTA thing is spelled
Jesus said, "
let no one deceive you."