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Old 04-24-2023, 10:46 AM   #309
Join Date: Jul 2008
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Originally Posted by Zezima View Post
Very interesting, thanks for sharing this.

To clarify, I’m seeking to understand how to determine if something is metaphorical or not. If the beasts are metaphorical, why isn’t the mark? Genuinely asking how you determine what is metaphorical and what isn’t.
The words/prophecies of the Bible are spiritually discerned. If there is a "how to" answer, I don't know what it is. I know I wouldn't dismiss, out of hand, what might be a precursor to something prophecied. Also, I know for sure, we should be reading the news today with spiritual eyes.

Before I started this topic, I began reading various passages of scripture that I thought might fit what I wanted to know. I had been bothering the Lord to help me. I kept telling Him I didn't understand. I had been looking at current events in the news and researching what others were saying about what's going on. I was trying to overlay prophecies in my mind from the Revelation, Daniel, and other prophets to fit all the pieces together.

When I started reading Carol's paper, I was amazed. After so much digging, this brought things together for me. I learned something from her, and from the Lord. She put prophecy and history together in a simple way.

Unconsciously, I guess I personally approach most scriptural prophetic images as metaphors...then set about scouring history, current events and future events that would potentially confirm or deny the metaphor as prophetic words.

A couple of examples, the prophecy of coming earthquakes and signs in the heavens. There has been a significant uptick in earthquakes in the last few years. Could this be a precursor of what is coming? Here's a new one that popped up for me on April 8...a couple of weeks ago.... On April 8, 2024 there will be a total solar eclipse, visible in Mexico, the US, and Canada...North America. Looking at the projected path, the best visibility will include my house in North Texas!

Are these two "events" prophetic fulfillments? No. But...the propecy IS there, and these events are probably/possibly a precursor of what is to come. One day the metaphor for the prophetic signs will be manifest.

I hope this helps.
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