Originally Posted by Unregistered
Anyways, the churches are in the midst of the winte training and two years later James Lee has not forgot about Jo. In message 5 he attacked her. He spent time talking about disobedience, deputy authority, self, flesh and rebellion. The message was on Amalek.
Anyways, I felt to share this. I have been in the church my whole life. But over the years things didn't seem right in the training speaking which I didn't agree. I just left it fly during the conferences and the trainings. I'm still in the church because my parents have been in over 40 years and my dad is a leading one in our locality and know among the elders and co workers.
And a huge issue would be made if I left or attempted to leave because the coworkers are pushing that we are in the end times.
Let me prophesy on this.
1. Disobedience is relative. Disobedience to whom? If Jo Casteel's speaking was under the headship of God, I don't consider Jo disobedient. Rather the brothers considered Jo disobedient to them.
2. Deputy Authority, that is a teaching of men trying to usurp God's headship. Did you ever read the prophets submitting to the kings as their deputy authority? It is no coincidence why my youngest son was named Nathan.
3. Rebellion, who is rebelling against who? The American Revolution ended in the 18th century. As I've said before if our sister Jo is under God's headship, she's not rebelling against God.
4. Trainings, LSM is just like those 6 companies that own 90% of the media. They seek to control the sound bites, talking points, and prevent as Paul Harvey used to say "the other side of the story" from being told.
No other venue is ripe with opportunity to get the talking points in front than the bi-annual trainings. It didn't start with Jo. We saw it as a precursor to the Great Lakes turmoil, the late 1980's turmoil, and so on.