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Old 04-13-2023, 12:32 PM   #290
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Default Re: Prophecy - The End Times

Originally Posted by countmeworthy View Post
Sort of derailing here. Sort of…. You know what I the unforgivable sin, the blaspheme of the Holy Spirit is?

Tic toc tic toc….

The mark of the beast. No one can ever repent from taking it. I have heard the person who takes it becomes a hybrid. Whether or not that’s true, scripture is clear, you are doomed if you take the mark.
I’m not so sure. I tend not to look at things homogeneously, believing “with every trial God will make a way out.” I think some will naively take the mark, regret it with great remorse, and then somehow remove it. Perhaps even obedience to Jesus’ command, “If your right hand makes you sin, cut it off, and throw it away.” Revelation 14.9 does say “to get the mark AND worship the beast,” as if both are required.

During the vax mandates, I told lots of people that it sounds like what will happen when the Antichrist makes everyone get the mark of the Beast. Few agreed, most listened, some thought I was crazy, but most thought there was no connection. Gen Z-ers today think cash is stupid and inconvenient. The “mark” will be marketed as safe, convenient, free, and even trendy. What’s not to like?
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