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Old 04-13-2023, 06:09 AM   #71
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Default Re: Ron Kangas says Witness Lee is the greatest apostle since the apostle P

Originally Posted by UntoHim View Post
Ron Kangas says Witness Lee is the greatest apostle since the apostle Paul!

“I don't claim to have an exhaustive knowledge of church history. But neither am I totally lacking. If someone is sober and thorough, you consider the ministers of the age. Their vision, their ministry and their person. Where do you have to go in church history to find a match? Andrew Murray was outstanding....not a match! Darby? No! Whitfield? No! Wesley? No! Calvin? No! Luther? No! Thomas Aquinas? No? Augustine? No! You have to go all the way back to the apostles. Where we are in the Lord's Recovery is this: The Recovery has reached the stage of the full recovery of the ministry, the vision given to the apostles. I'm not exalting anyone, it's just the fact! Darby did not have Brother Nee's constitution. Luther didn't have Brother Lee's constitution. The Lord needed a certain kind of person to carry out a particular kind of ministry under the vision of the age, so that the desire of God's heart for this age will actually be carried out."

All this vain talk about who is the greatest was shutdown by Jesus Himself every single time it reared its ugly head. One would think that these kinds of thoughts would never again be discussed by legitimate teachers of the Bible. The basic theme throughout the Bible is simple - all men have sinned, and only God Himself, in the person of Jesus Christ, should ever be uplifted, lauded, and extolled.

Not so in Recovery world. Have they not merely repeated the cries of old, “we want a king,” like all the nations have? I would say, “If someone is sober and thorough,” they would consider only Jesus!!

When real angels, and by all accounts, sinless and holy angels like Michael and Gabriel, appeared to us, they regularly admonished us to worship only God. When those in Lystra in Acts 14 tried to worship Paul, he said “stop, we are mere men like you.” After that these same fools reversed course and suddenly proceeded to stone Paul.

One characteristic of MOTA’s is their constant exaltation of their predecessors, which kind of proves RK’s ulterior motive for his comments here. The message is plain, “exalt me like I exalt WL.” Was not that WL’s hidden agenda whenever exalting WN? The Blendeds, like RK, absolutely heard that message.
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