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Old 04-12-2023, 08:05 PM   #73
Join Date: Jul 2008
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Default Re: LC turned me into a leftist

Originally Posted by PriestlyScribe View Post
Yes indeed some of us from San Diego still have fond memories - and rightfully so!
Here is some proof that what we still fondly remember was not a mere pipe dream.

Much Love to you sister Carol. The wife & I are doing fine...

Awww!! Much love to you and Sharon as well. I am forever grateful for who the Lord surrounded me with in San Diego. I have fond memories of living in your lovely home with sisters Diane Zimmerman who went to be with the Lord wayyy too early. She was 27 when she died in the car accident. Peggy Chisholm also was the other sister who shared your home. Thank you for having opened your home to us.

Looking back, John Smith’s teaching of the Word and his teachings on the Power of the Blood of Jesus solidified my unshakeable faith in my Savior, Lord and King Jesus Christ.

Lee did not save me from hell. Nor did he deliver and set me free from the strongholds oppressing me. No. No.. My Savior Jesus did that. All Glory to His Holy and Precious Name. The Name above every name. The Name in which every knee will bow down to. And every tongue confess to the GLORY of Abba Father Almighty God, He Jesus is KING of kings and LORD of lords.

Too bad (imho) 1977/1978 the focus went from Christ to Witness Lee. For others it was much sooner. He inflicted a lot of emotional, financial and spiritual pain beginning with the Daystar fiasco which I only learned about on this forum.

What is sooo sad and disappointing is God’s Word teaches us to repent, to ask for forgiveness, to humble ourselves and come clean when we wrong someone. To make restitution where it needs to be made.

We all make mistakes. We all have made bad or wrong decisions one time or another. We pray not to to make those mistakes and bad decisions ever again.

Lee was a terrible role model and his blended, blinded successors seem to be following in his footsteps instead of genuinely following and abiding in our Great High Priest and King Lord Jesus Christ.

Blessings and healings be showered on everyone here.
Watch ye therefore, and pray always, that ye may be accounted worthy to escape all these things that shall come to pass, and to stand before the Son of man.
(Luke 21:36)
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