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Old 03-26-2023, 12:42 PM   #32
Join Date: Mar 2018
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Default Re: Video Recordings Of The 1989-1990 Elders' Meetings

Originally Posted by Trapped View Post
Not to play devil's advocate here, but are these recordings copyrighted by LSM?

Edit to add: and by "these recordings" I don't just mean the ones related to this specific thread only, but local church audio/video in general too.

I'm going to assume they are copyrighted in some way, whether somewhere on the video itself, or stamped on the cassette, or stated in the cover/fold insert, because it would be extremely unusual for an established publication company to put out material without putting the necessary language to protect their intellectual property.

Because as much as we disagree with the "intellectual" part, the "property" part is true. It is LSM's property.

So it seems to me, PriestlyScribe, is what you are doing is akin to poking holes in someone else's dam, and then complaining and name-calling when they rightfully patch up the holes in their own dam. And this is kind of counterproductive to the overall message you are probably trying to send. Because if you violate copyright law, and then use LSM's lawful exercise against your violation in order to disparage them, it ends up reflecting badly upon you, rather than upon LSM.

Right now, you create a new channel or find a new platform, post new links publicly, and is going to be expected, it gets taken down because it is a violation of copyright. And then you do the same process all over again, as if a company doesn't have the right to protect their property. And so the channels you create are always going to be difficult to find because they change so frequently, and the videos are never going to be able to get established as far as search engines and algorithms are concerned, and any comments people leave will be erased when the channel is gone. It's largely an exercise in futility.

So my humble suggestion would be this - since you DO have a treasure trove of important information, and you have put in lots of your valuable time in capturing and preserving all this information already, why not spend the other part of your valuable time using it in a way that is within the bounds of copyright, rather than pushing the same unlawful boulder up the same hill over and over again? There are countless videos on YouTube where the video host "reacts" to other people's content or they "comment" or "review" information or teachings, etc... Why not take that approach?

Right now one big problem with what you are doing is you upload the entire content without much, or any, change. It's the original content. And so you have no leg to stand on, copyright-wise. Would you consider doing something like, taking a small particularly-egregious portion of a video and then providing with it a commentary or an explanation of why it's egregious or why it's a problem? This kind of thing is much more in line with "fair use" and would be a more productive use of your time and the material you have at your disposal.

I don't know what constitutes "fair use" as far as how much of someone else's content you can or can't use before you bump up against copyright, but as I said, there are TONS of reacts/comments/reviews/responds videos on YouTube you can watch to get an idea of how other people use content that is not theirs, and then react to it or provide commentary about it.

Just a suggestion.


P.S. and if you want to reach current members in the local church, use level-headed and sober language and imagery, not weird pictures of skulls or goats or devils or whatever, or references to "goons" etc. Any hint of "an ax to grind" is an instant turn off to current members.
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