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Old 03-26-2023, 08:30 AM   #14
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Default Re: If anyone experienced this, please advice.

Originally Posted by WitnessALot View Post
In theory, they don't condone separations or divorces. In practice, however, they will routinely "cheerlead" for one spouse to remain intensely loyal to the organization, even if it does tremendous harm to the marriage and children.

Personally, I'll prefer to observe their "walk" over their "talk."
I agree with your statement "I'll prefer to observe their "walk".. over their "talk".

But let me tell you that they condoned my sister for trying to divorce her husband who continuously sins without limitation (getting drunk, lying to the church, and even committing federal crime). Instead, they sided with this brother who by the way committed fornication with bunch of other women already and is still doing so to this day.

They had the guts to even influence other saints not to associate with her, exclude her, exclude her kids, and even my own mother from participating in church events.

The elders have the guts to tell her not to pursue suing the brother but we all knew, this was THE ONLY WAY to get out of this horrible mess. They only try to stop her because his family apparently donated thousands upon thousands, but hey... when folks in the church gives donation, nobody should've known how much they donated right? lol

If any LC members are seeing this, I'd tell y'all to follow Jesus only and realize that LC too is getting degraded just as prophesied. Do not ever think that LC is the only place because thousands upon thousands of non-LC believers today, are ready to die for Jesus (if you don't know what I'm talking about, just look up what believers in Iran, North Korea has to go through).
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