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Old 03-15-2023, 03:07 PM   #16
Join Date: Nov 2022
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Default Re: "Processed Triune God"

Originally Posted by Unregistered View Post
The biggest issue with the “Processed Triune God” invention, is that the newly created “description” of God or who He is, becomes the ultimate “prescription” for everyone to follow. You take Bible out of context to create a system, in which the so-called “processed, consummated, all inclusive cook god, or some mixture of lemons and water”, become the cookie cutter “reproduction”.

God is not processed or changed, or even altered in any shape or form since eternity past. It’s all goes back to the presupposition of the Local church inventors: God had to go through the “process” of making Himself a man, so that we will go through the same “process” to become god and become the same. If you believe this theology, then you must believe the processed god, otherwise you are just a human being, in need of God, and depend on Him as your Lord and Savior, Mediator, rather that becoming god in life and nature.

I would also suggest this article “Why Modalism is Dangerous”, with link below. It actually addresses some things that have been asked and brought up in this thread.

In order to understand Lee, you need to understand Nee. In order to understand Nee, you need to understand the Quaker beliefs and practices that date back to 1800’s, and also study the mentors of Nee and how he became who he was. If you don’t know anything about Quakers, I’ll add this link below. You should probably never read the LSM “history” of Nee, as actually true, but find other research to see for yourself the teachers and the influencers of all of his work. I think the Local Church has continually modified their versions of the way things ought to be, since Nee, then Lee, and now the blenders. It’s the same system, but I think that the current blended bros, are no longer recovering anything but use rules and system written by Lee as a spiritual Pope of the Recovery for now, and for forever.

Thank you so much for the links and the input. Very much agree with everything you said, esp that God has never changed. He is the same from eternity past to eternity future. He has not evolved over time.

And I agree that one of the main dangers of holding onto the LC's teaching of a processed that the doctrine of glorification means not simply that one day "we shall be like Him" (1 John 3:2)....but that we will be deified.

However, having said this, I think the majority of Christianity at large today does a poor job on teaching about the wonderful truth of the power of transformation and the importance of sanctification. The LC might not have it right concerning "processed" or even concerning their belief of "overcoming"...but at the root of these teachings is a desire (at least on the surface) to deny the flesh or to take the cross and to aspire towards increasing maturity.

Anyway, I appreciate the link to the article. I concur with the writer that the understanding of "atonement" becomes completely strange and muddled if you hold onto a processed/modalistic view. At the very least, the ability to accurately present the heart of the gospel to others is seriously hampered.

Everyone's comments are definitely providing solid clarity to the random thoughts I have accumulated on this subject over the years.
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