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Old 03-15-2023, 09:10 AM   #12
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Default Re: "Processed Triune God"

Originally Posted by bettercountry View Post
I tend to agree. I've listened to Walter Martin's lecture from the 70s concerning modalism as it pertains to WL's teachings...and have also read various books/articles....but I have not seen anyone explain clearly the dangers of modalism.
It's interesting, there is a lengthy debate online somewhere of Walter Martin and Cal Beisner going head to head with some, I think, United Pentecostals who would be considered "modalists", and in watching it, I realized one side is affirming God is one person, and the other side was affirming God is not one person, but is one BEING, three persons.

"God is one person" versus "God is one being". Both sides calling the other heretics.

As far as I can tell, the primary danger of modalism is that a person would have to ignore portions of the Bible that contradict it. In that debate, the UPC guys had no response when they were pressed on the scene in Jesus' baptism which clearly shows the Father, Son, and Spirit all at the same time, no modes about it. And so obviously a willingness to simply wipe aside portions of Scripture sets a problematic precedent.

Originally Posted by bettercountry View Post
So, if the term "processed" was used to simply emphasize "eating Christ", I don't think in this aspect I would have a big problem with this. Perhaps it was a bad use of the English language, rather than modalism? But, in some writings from WL, I've seen him use the "processed" term to essentially explain the way humans also can become divine/deified. Either I don't follow what he's trying to say, or this is where the "processed" teaching becomes harmful.
If I remember, correctly, there has been a discussion about "processed" on this forum in the past. My personal issue with the word is that is depersonalizes God into something that resembles a deli ham on a conveyor belt.

Personal beings "go through a process", sure. But it's extremely strange to say any kind of living personal being "was processed". It's too mechanical and depersonalized. I can't give Lee any passes on his misuse of the English language given that he had a circle of co-workers around him who should have been able to speak up about the problem. If they didn't feel comfortable to say something, that's a problem of their and Lee's making. It's not on everyone else to parse and wade through what Lee "really" meant.
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