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Old 03-14-2023, 08:05 PM   #2
Join Date: Dec 2020
Posts: 278
Default Re: What I wanted to tell you, but could not.

Thank You for your sharing.
For your open heart. Especially to God.
I was reading this as prayer.
This is definition of Christianity.
Like one brother said: ekklesia/ church, is Mrs, Jesus.
People of Jesus.
Our language shows it.
If we live before Almighty God, then how much more we should be clear and honest among brothers and sisters.
I've found more honest brothers and sisters from other cities and abroad, than I had here in my ex-local church.
Perhaps I commited blasphemy answering instaed leaving it in silence.
Like staying in silence over old creature's grave.
But happiness of that New Creation in You did not allowed me to be quiet.
Jesus is the only Way.
Keep going, or keep runing this race.
I would like to recall this letter and You at Jesus feet.
There will be a crowd of His lovers.
Grace be with You. Not in any empty common meaning like "good bye", but in reality:
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