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Old 03-11-2023, 09:38 AM   #131
Join Date: Apr 2008
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Default Re: Reactions to Articles @ ShepherdingWords.Com

Originally Posted by Robert View Post
To Indiana.
You mentioned about "no more hiding".
Let me exercise my mind on this part of their article below and say what You think...

From shepherdingWords (
Article - Hiding history?
"Daystar – A Failed Business
One largely misunderstood matter is the history of Daystar Motor Homes. The never-realized profits from the manufacture and sales of Daystar recreational vehicles

1.were intended to support full-time workers and the acquisition of church meeting halls as the local churches spread.
2. A small minority of members of various local churches either invested in or loaned funds to Daystar. The business failed. Regrettably, investors lost money.
3.Those who made loans to Daystar were repaid except when the loan was explicitly forgiven by the lender.
4.No local church was involved with the ownership or operation of Daystar.

1. "intented" -Intention is a matter of mind and heart. Those are placed in man. So the question is: by whom intended? WL? Did really all saints where informed that they can lose money and have debt on account?

Let say I ask my local brother for financial help. As loving brother I have responsibility to not cause problem in his family. We do not see in whole Bible such a example. So they missed rut of this problem. He never should ask saints for money. So, I do not believe that explanation.

2. " A small minority of members of various local churches"- Let's take a look closer word after word...Small number... they do not say that some used pension funds. They do not mention about amounts. One person could invest 50 thousands, 10 thousands, 5 000 dollars. Times "small minority" can give whatever. So there are magic words making impression " common guys! nothing happened! That was only pension fund! That was only 10000 Dolars! We are honest and not hiding history".

3.Those who made loans to Daystar were repaid except when the loan was explicitly forgiven by the lender. I don't think all saints were repaid.

I heard one tape with record of both sides. One brother who gave money and WL. First time I heard WL in private conversation. WL was rude and dishonest. Like simply man on street. I hope to find this record again. So, how do You think, what this brother and others could do in such a situation? Sue WL? It was masterpiece what he did at that time. If take of christian factor, this would be case for court.
Honest saints, who trusted him in love, factor of believe, Jesus, oneness... Uhhh! I suppose that mostly it was pain and suffer and saying " what can I do, let it be" > Forgiven? Even if so, there was a sin or fault to forgive! But no word about mistake and apologize.

4. For God's sake! Blind people!!!! Only members of local churches were involved but not local churches! So what is local church stupid people!!!!

Local church is people! 1 Cor 3.19 For the wisedom of this world is foolishnesse with God: for it is written, He taketh the wise in their own craftiness.
So don't worry saints, no church was hurt! Ufff! Relief!
What they forget to say is special meetings were held regarding investing in Daystar.
Logically, would anyone invest thinking they would not get a return on their investment? Those who did invest in Daystar did not do so treating it as a church donation. Some invested in the hundreds and perhaps others it was ten's of thousands.
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