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Old 03-05-2023, 07:59 PM   #17
Join Date: Jul 2021
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Default Re: Wicked Servant

Originally Posted by Raptor View Post
so many will read into the Word and change that status of the wicked servant to an unbeliever in order to conform it to their misunderstood concepts of going to heaven, eternal salvation, hell, lake of fire, reward, discipline, the judgement seat of Christ and the judgemnt of the great white throne.
They asked Jesus what are the signs, and Jesus tells them a few times in various ways & parables not to focus on the signs but focus on the responsibility at hand.

I don’t think this parable has any hidden meaning, it’s just contrasting two servants. One didn’t focus on the signs of the master coming back but focused on the responsibilities, the other did focus and knew the master delayed. Even in the following chapter he breaks out more parables in the same vain.

Jesus is saying, look guys.. don’t focus on the outward signs of my coming, it’s gonna come like a thief in the night. Focus on the task at hand, on the great commission, on the responsibilities I’m giving you and empowering you to accomplish by the Holy Spirit.

I would strongly argue that during my time in the recovery, the only reason I “pursued” the lord (read HWMR, “lords day”, go to trainings) was out of a focus and fear of God coming back. I was terrified of not being ready. To me, this is an example of “the wicked servant”, I didn’t care about the responsibilities the master left for me, I carried about not being left outside the feast. I used to joke that I’d start pursing once the alleged treaty with Israel was signed, because that was an indication god was coming. I think this is what Jesus is talking about.

Why would giving His disciples signs of his second coming benefit them? It wouldn’t, the parables make it clear why.
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