Originally Posted by UntoHim
Keeping it simple #2: Why did the Lord Jesus call those dudes hypocrites in Matthew 24:51?
Ahhhhh, thanks for asking this question, UntoHim. Made me look into it a little more.
Hypocrites in the Bible are typically described as saying one thing and doing another, or judging people while ignoring their own same behaviors. So if Jesus is "assigning him [the wicked servant] a place with the hypocrites", it means, ostensibly, he is one too....does it not?
This would lend weight to the "false believer" theory. Someone professing to know the Lord but living contrary to it - a hypocrite. I read through several commentaries on this verse and numerous describe the wicked servant as someone falsely claiming to be a Christian, but not actually one.
The thing that clinched it a bit more for me was that one of the commentaries referenced the parallel story in Luke 12. Where Matthew says "with the hypocrites", Luke 12:46 says "with the unbelievers". I think this bolsters even more the conclusion that the wicked servant is not a believer.
I still could be wrong