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Old 02-27-2023, 08:35 AM   #11
Join Date: Mar 2018
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Default Re: Wicked Servant

Originally Posted by UntoHim View Post
TA DA! See, now that wasn't so hard after all! Thanks Trapped for bailing me out....again.
Hahaha....well the truth is, I don't know the answer here. It is true that just because a story is told to someone doesn't mean it's about that someone, but it also doesn't mean it definitely isn't about them.

In this parable, I honestly don't know who it's about. I can see both sides - I can see why people would see the word servant and conclude it must be a believer, and I can see why people would see the word wicked and conclude it must not be a genuine believer. I've looked at it specifically and in larger context several times and have yet to feel totally comfortable one way or the other.
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