Re: Wicked Servant
This discussion with Raptor already took place on the "Overcomer doctrine (merged thread)" thread. There was the same contention there about who the wicked servant is. At that time the discussion was over whether it is a straight-out unbeliever, or a professing believer (but a false believer, someone who professes belief but isn't really a believer.....i.e. servant in name but not in deed). Some concluded one way, some concluded the other.
It's clear from Matthew 24:3-4 that Jesus is speaking to His disciples. They ask Him a question in those verses, and everything after that in the chapter is Him responding to them. For the wicked servant, the question is just who the example of the wicked servant refers to or what type of person it refers to. Just because He's telling a story TO the disciples doesn't mean it must be about them.
I still personally have trouble with the concept of a genuinely saved, Spirit-filled believer being described as "beating fellow servants and eating/drinking with drunkards", but.....I know others say it's I guess that's why there is a contention about this parable (is it a parable?)