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Old 02-13-2023, 08:50 PM   #220
Just Saying
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Default Re: YouTube Channel - The Lord's Recovery Unchained

Cognitive Dissonance is a concept of psychology, developed by Leon Festinger.
Although it may on one hand give us an insight into the secular view of humans, through the lenses of Science, on the other hand it also completely devalues all aspects of spiritual life, or the truth that we find about who we are as a human beings. It’s interesting that I have heard of this theory before from counseling and other sources, but what is fascinating about it, is that the solutions offered to people through the secular systems are almost laughable and really do very little to resolve the issue at hand.

It’s abundantly clear for those of us who have been there at one point or another, strolling the beaten paths of single file line that goes from Nee to Lee to the current collection of blenders. Some of us didn’t know any better, but some went to great hardcore extent to make sure that you stayed within the “oneness file”, while fighting internally and externally to make sure everyone knows that you are striving for greatness. The mental, internal issues of the soul, and constant quenching of the Holy Spirit’s work in our lives, was daily ritual and routine. That’s because these so blunt and poisonous “recovered truths”, were the daily heartbeat of the true follower of these men.
- You can’t think they said, just call!
- You can’t understand they said, just trust!
- You can’t read the clear Word they said, just let us give you what it means!
- You can’t feel things they said, it’s from your natural self, kill it they warned!
- You can’t identify what’s of the spirit or of the soul, let us do it for you, they said!

I can’t see how those daily sessions around those concepts, would not lead one to some serious issues. I must say, that I have been around people who through these constant daily exercises, became like literally children in their minds. People who where 100% normal just few years ago, became totally unapproachable, unable to hear, listen, reason, have compassion, able to understand basic things. It’s kind of like they went backwards in they growth. Just a mere touch of that well put together rhetoric, known as the language of the local church, will have you at best be showered with shouting of the name of Jesus, or at worst be attached to the satans special forces. Is that cognitive dissonance, or is there something that we are missing? Is it solvable by the secular self help solutions, or the roots are way deeper that the science can penetrate?

Couple of weeks ago I tried, (against my better judgment), to talk to some current members about some things. Didn’t go well at all, and was told that the issue of all of the things that are happening in the recovery is the people who are failing to follow simply steps offered by the ministry. When I asked if the steps and solutions that are given to these people could be the causes for the many problems that people have, I was quickly reminded of how the original inventor of recovery suffered to get it to me, and how ungrateful I am. Conversation ended, and I didn’t want to press any further, knowing that the basic human ability to ask questions, examine things and test them, has been completely removed and that mind has been rewired to short circuit as soon as there is uncomfortable situation arises. What a delusional lifestyle, and it’s called “live”. I remember lying this to myself for so many years, as if it was the true reality! Where would we be without Gods grace and mercy, probably still chained in the single file, singing mindlessly “o what a wonderful church life”.������

Guest "Just Sayin"
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