Originally Posted by Unregistered
Oh okay,
I must have been reading the wrong Bible my whole life, because as far I remember it’s says that the “old is abolished” or “no longer”.
So is the church is kind of a side kick to the “Israel”? Or better to say, is the church being held hostage because the Jews rejected Jesus? Do you also believe that ALL biological Jews dead or alive will be saved regardless of their belief in Christ while in this world? Had a member of the Recovery claim these things to me before. I don’t believe in 1000 years of “self improvement” ie Recovery purgatory, so where does that put biological Jews? Is there consequences for their unbelief just as there is consequences for all other nations or people for rejection of Jesus Christ?
Yes, please do register for further discussion. As an added benefit, you do
not have to receive endless annoying emails like those I get from everyone else who demands my email address.
As a guiding principle in understanding the Bible, God's covenant to Abram/Abraham was to have children in number "
like the sand of the sea and the stars of the heaven." (Genesis 22.17; Romans 9.27; 1st Corinthians 15.41) Thus Abraham's descendants are both heavenly and earthly. This point is often missed with younger Christians. The "sand" refers to the biological children of Israel. The "stars" refer to the gentile children of faith.
Perhaps other posters here could recommend some (non-LSM) reference books/reading material that could assist you on this topic. I just returned from an out of town family funeral and have another out of town family funeral next week to prepare for.
UntoHim often recommends Wayne Grudem's
Systematic Theology. Perhaps he has addressed this topic.