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Old 02-09-2023, 04:35 PM   #10
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Default Re: John Macarthur - Ex Members Say It Is A Cult

Originally Posted by JJ View Post
So, had you read about the Plymouth Brethren before or after “the storm” reached Ohio? And had that helped you prepare to “stand in the evil day”?
"Storm reports" had been growing since WL passed in 1997. There were some attempts at reconciliation such as that absurd (can't we all be adults?) Phoenix Accord in 2002 between leaders in Anaheim and Cleveland. By then I started reading and searching the web for numerous Brethren historical accounts, (do not read accounts written by the exclusives) and eventually found the old Bereans site. The Tract War sites between the two factions (afaithfulword vs. concernedbrothers) was churning out their positions both before and after the official quarantines.

Remember that the Blendeds decided to use Titus 3.10 to issue a few public "admonitions" to TC to "humble himself" and to "turn over the control" of all his full-timers and churches in 2005-06. Reading most of these pathetic articles helped me realize how far off we had gone, and that the "battle" between Anaheim and Cleveland had nothing to do with the truth or the Bible, but was simply a form of godliness to disguise the struggle for power. Each satellite LC was merely the spoils of war.

I left in late 2005 with both sides exhorting me to "take a stand for the truth." Their truth, of course.
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