Originally Posted by Nell
It's interesting that the commands in Matthew 24 also include serious warnings about what it will be like if you're not "ready" or if you're not looking for Him...in an hour that he is not aware...
Another interesting thing...36 But of that day and hour knoweth no man, no, not the angels of heaven, but my Father only.
What does this mean: ...of that day and hour knoweth no man...? "Day and hour", but it doesn't say "year". I wonder why...? Maybe we are charged to have a more immediate vigil over what's going on in our world...daily and hourly. IMHO Don't wait for the years to pass by before you start to pay attention to the end times, but it's your call. Do what you think the Lord is telling you to do.
It is well accepted that the Book of Daniel provides detailed prophecies for Israel of both the 1st and 2nd coming of the Christ. Had Israel carefully read those prophecies, they would have known that the One dying on the day of Passover as the Lamb of God of that specific year (9:24-26) was the Christ, unless you were inclined to believe that one of the 2 thieves was He. The Jews, of course, would not have known "the hour."
Such will also be true of His 2nd return. We have 2 specific events to help us know the time, specifically the year and the month. First, the covenant confirmed between "He" (the Beast in Revelation) and Israel will signify the start of the final week of years, Daniel's 70th week allotted for Israel. Second, in the middle of this week of 7 years, "He" will end sacrifices and setup the "abomination of desolation" on a wing of the Temple. (Dan 9.27, 2 Thess 2.4, Matt 24.15)