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Old 01-25-2023, 07:14 AM   #6
Sons to Glory!
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Default Re: Philip Comfort, former Local Church Elder Turned Scholar Passes Away

Originally Posted by Ohio View Post
According to the obit, Greg was widowed (Robin) and apparently remarried.

Yes, Phil had a kind and gentle spirit, not at all suited to the Chinese military culture of intimidation and shaming from the LC leadership in Cleveland. Some of the posters here remember “Toledo Tom” McNaughton who had posted on the forum before he passed. Tom may have had a keen wit and great sense of humor, but beneath the surface he was tough as nails, son of a judge, and ex-military commander in Viet Nam. Whereas Phil was quite vulnerable and could be humiliated and beat down by TC, Tom never. I told this story before. Elders meeting in Cleveland. Tom walks in late with others who drove in together. TC begins to scold them for being late. Tom lifted his head high, with one of his famous quips proclaims, “I’m not late, I’m married.” Everyone laughs. TC was silenced. Quite a scene. Unfortunately most of us, including Phil, did not possess such skills.
Ah, so I did remember Greg's name right!

That is a funny story regarding Tom and TC - "I'm not late . . . I'm married!" I will have to use that the next time some brother teases me about being a little tardy . . .
LC Berkeley 70s; LC Columbus OH 80s; An Ekklesia in Scottsdale 98-now
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