Originally Posted by bearbear
Thanks bearbear for providing this download. Several portions stood out to me in addition to those obvious tells you pointed out in the introduction. In my opinion these fragmented but insightful observations on the part of Wang Mindao suggest that Watchman Nee may have worn a psychological "suit of armor" in order to prevent others from actually knowing him as a real person - preferring to be seen as some great Bible Teacher. And based upon reports others have made concerning puzzling interactions with Witness Lee in his home, it's possible that a similar "game" was being played by Lee as well. Because of Wang's praise of another Christian Worker's transparency (Ying Fuk-tsang) it's probably not fair to say Nee's personal opaqueness was merely an Asian characteristic. But maybe I'm wrong about that.
Here are the segments which got my attention:
Page 142:
Page 143:
Page 158:
I look forward to more of this writing coming out in English!