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Old 01-18-2023, 05:18 PM   #1
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Default Pastor Wang Ming Dao's take on Watchman Nee

"Around 1982, some believers asked Wang Ming Dao how to evaluate Watchman Nee and whether or not we should judge people, etc. Wang's answer at that time was: If there is a fraud who has cheated several people, should we not announce that he is a fraud? It should be proclaimed, announcing the name of this person and how he deceives people, so that others would not be deceived by him. There is a saying in Chinese: you should hide bad deeds and you should proclaim good deeds. This saying has some merit and some flaws. If a person happens to stumble into a sin, we don't need to make it public, hoping that he will repent. But if someone is always committing a sin and always harming others, we need to make public his crimes and his name. If God allows, maybe one day I will talk concerning Watchman Nee."

Translated by my wife from page 156 of "Watchman Nee in the Eyes of Wang Mingdao"

For more on Wang Ming Dao see

My opinion: Wang Ming Dao was a man of God who preached holiness and taught there were false and true believers only allowing baptism when there was evidence of true conversion beyond professing Jesus as Lord. This is the opposite of Watchman Nee's ministry which stressed the inner life and was silent about repentance from sin and considered carnal believers to be true believers who only had to face 1000 years of outer darkness.

If Lily Hsu's testimony is accurate which seems to be confirmed by Wang Ming Dao, consider the saying:

Luke 7:35 "Yet wisdom is justified by all her children"
1 John 4:9
This is how God showed his love among us: He sent his one and only Son into the world that we might live through him.

Last edited by bearbear; 01-18-2023 at 07:55 PM.
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