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Old 01-18-2023, 02:06 PM   #3
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Default Re: Philip Comfort, former Local Church Elder Turned Scholar Passes Away

I don't know how much Phil Comfort "bought into that ideology." Phil had a great interest in Scripture and desired to learn
& use NT Greek to delve deeper into God's Word. He was especially interested in the Gospel of John. I believe that caused tension between Phil Comfort and the regional apostle--Titus Chu which spilled over to some of the leading brothers in the Ohio churches. The attitude of some was "why are we supporting you (financially?) and giving you a platform to minister
when you spend your time equipping yourself as a Bible teacher/writer, etc.

- Nigel Tomes

It was TC who demanded that Phil quite his job as a teacher. Phil had just relocated, started teaching, and had a young family. Phil struggled with TC's demands for some time. Both Phil, the elders in Columbus, and the church were content with Phil teaching by day and sharing from the Bible to the church. Phil was also generous with his time coaching others to know and love the Bible.

It was TC who interfered in Columbus and sowed seeds of dissension between Phil and other leaders outside of Columbus, where there were none prior. Were we not autonomous LC's? Did we not have "administration local, each answering to the Lord?" Obviously those teachings were falsehoods.
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