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Old 01-15-2023, 05:38 PM   #3
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Default Re: Closing My 17 Years Chapter In The Lord’s Recovery

Well articulated analysis of the so-called Recovery! Thank you for your courageous faith, Esther.

Couple points. As I left during the Ohio "quarantines," a brother shared with me privately a simple revelation the Lord had given him - "there is no love in Laodicea." So true!

LSM loves to speak of "God's Economy" using I Timothy 1.5, but please read that verse again. "Pray-read" if you like. Notice the heart of Apostle Paul to brother Timothy: "the goal of this charge is love out of a pure heart, out of a good conscience, and out of unfeigned faith."

They can give conferences on the love of God, yet display none to the saints, rather they will mandate endless legalistic rules and ordinances. Instead of a good conscience, void of offense, they will lie and deceive in order to coverup leadership failures and abuses. Instead of unfeigned faith, they promote a man-pleasing system of public performances using the teachings of WL.
Ohio's motto is: With God all things are possible!.
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