Originally Posted by JJ
Lee wanted us to buy and read everything published by Living Stream Ministry (LSM, which Lee ran), including Nee’s works published by LSM. While the book stores in the Local Churches also sold CLC and CFP versions of translated Nee spoken teachings and Nee writings, Lee “trashed” their translations and their publishers (so over time we read them less and less). At the time I assumed Lee was right about all that, but I didn’t know Chinese to compare the translations, nor did I know the other publishers to check on their character vs what Lee said about them. It turns out that I was lied to, and we all were. Shame shame!
Yes, we were lied to. Back when I first contacted the LC, I bought
Against The Tide, by Angus Kinnear, the son-in-law of T. A. Sparks. I had been hearing about Nee in the meetings, so why not read about him. An elder found out that I had the book, and warned me not to read it because "
there are over 200 major errors in the book." How would he know that? That was obviously the rumor WL had spread. WL insisted that only his version of history would be written in the Recovery.