Re: John Myer's New Book - Alive on the Inside: Cultivating the Inner Life
I was given John's book this Sunday to review, as I mentioned before. I'm almost at the 3rd chapter and am enjoying it. John has a good, very direct style of writing and gives good scriptural references, plus he quotes many other writers both past and present.
The first chapter was about how many in Christendom have a superficial walk with Christ and fall into many sin traps as a result. He says that while many are doing many of the right things, their heart is far from the living Christ. They have take to trying to do the Christian life without the indwelling Christ.
In the 2nd chapter John goes into the importance of walking by the indwelling Spirit and a little of what that looks like.
Once I finish the 2nd chapter I'll post more. In looking at the table of contents, it looks to be an exciting book.
LC Berkeley 70s; LC Columbus OH 80s; An Ekklesia in Scottsdale 98-now
Praise the Lord - HE'S GOT THIS!