Thread: Mind-blown.
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Old 12-30-2022, 09:15 AM   #2
Join Date: Mar 2018
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Default Re: Mind-blown.

Originally Posted by alwayscurious View Post
I had a conversation recently with two of my closest friends (we're all in college, raised in the LC, I'm on my way out but still struggling very much with all this). I asked them, if the Creator of the Universe wants them to start meeting with a different church or a different group of believers outside of the LC (for any reason at all), would they follow the Lord there?

Their response, "No, it's not possible". They said, the Lord would never do that and that the LC is the only right and best place to pursue.

I was, and still am, mind-blown.

Wow! It is so interesting that they cannot even consider a hypothetical, which unfortunately just tells me how "under the influence" they are.

Did you let the conversation end there, as you recovered from your mind being blown? Or did you press them at all? I would be curious to know their response if you said, "Why do you think that? What about it makes it the only right and best place?" If it's appropriate or if the situation is right, make them articulate it and spell it out. Sometimes whatever they articulate will be so insubstantial (like "this is where the Lord reveals His vision" or "we have God's economy") you can say "but what does that actually mean? What is the vision exactly? What is God's economy exactly? You don't think other Christians are also doing XYZ?" Ask questions. Make them justify it.

And if they protest, say "hey, sorry, I'm just alwayscurious"

Like so many saints, they've just been trained to use conversation-stopping type answers. So.....don't let them stop the conversation!

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