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Old 12-26-2022, 02:42 PM   #5
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Default Re: Nee was the Master Mind of this, Lee was the Enabler of it.

Originally Posted by HERn View Post
I’m glad you made the transition with your faith intact! My leaving was cold Turkey and my wife came with me and we are going on with the Lord in a Christ loving community church. It seemed that many LC elders were really “company men” committed to pleasing regional blended brothers rather than their Savior. One elder urged three regular brothers to write RK complaining about the controlling nature of two of the other elders. When I asked him if he would also sign the draft letter I prepared he declined without a good reason. This was the same elder that when I asked him if he would mentor or disciple me said “ok give me all of your money”. I laughed it off, but it was a very strange response and he never apologized or said he was joking. It was difficult for me to determine if he was genuine or not. Very strange request. Did your family follow you out?
Sorry for not responding right away. To answer your last question, no they did not.
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