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Old 12-23-2022, 01:13 PM   #12
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Default Re: Darby and the Secret Rapture

Originally Posted by Zezima View Post
I’m going to politely object here. While early Church writers may have had flavors of what is now known today as dispensationalism, this theological system wasn’t a formal system until Darby. Darby defined the dispensations and presented how the Bible should be viewed through this theological system.

While salvation doesn’t hinge on what theological system you use, a lot of other beliefs do. Specifically eschatology, the only way certain end time beliefs work is if they are viewed through specific theological system lenses. When beliefs about the end times dictate a huge portion of your Christian life (being an over comer, secret rapture) it’s good practice to understand where that lens comes from. With the Lords Recovery, it’s a lens that is relatively new in the grand scheme of things.
Zezima, it seems that you oppose all Biblical teachings just because JND, WN, or WL used it. The reason many embrace elements of "Dispensationalism" is because it does have some value to help our understanding of the scriptures. Of course, as Sons to Glory alludes to, all teaching paradigms or systems can be taken to extremes, and go beyond the limits of scripture. Hyper Calvinistic teachings also come to mind here. Pentecostal teachings are another by their equating all mentions of Spirit/spirit with tongues.

I believe it's far better to examine each teaching, i.e. "test all things, hold on to the good,"as the Apostle admonishes us. Otherwise we end up discarding the good with the bad just because we abhor one particular messenger or system. And let's be fair that Dispensationalism is not the only teaching system prone to errors or extremes. Better to be like the Bereans who examined all teachings with the Word of God.

Regardless of what Darby or others teach, the entire Bible, and Revelations chapters 2-3 in particular, provide numerous blessings upon those who "overcome." Jesus' own Sermon on the Mount also provides unique blessings to those who "overcome" for lack of a better word. Paul's faith stories in Hebrews 11 list numerous accounts of specific men who overcame by faith.

I do agree with you that there is no privileged class of believers called "overcomers," rather this word is always used as an action of faith and obedience to the Lord during those trials His believers are confronted with. For any sect, such as the Recovery versions, to label their adherents alone as "overcomers" is a horrible deception.

There are also numerous verses on the (secret) rapture. Do you oppose them too?
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