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Old 12-22-2022, 09:04 AM   #57
Join Date: Mar 2018
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Default Re: Ron Kangas says Witness Lee is the greatest apostle since the apostle P

Originally Posted by Be the light. View Post
For people to understand the Lords Recovery movement, you should look at historical view called sacerdotalism. In truth, and through reading their writings and in their messages, you can trace this belief as a cornerstone for all of their supposed ministries. Unfortunately, this is not a New Testament order or something that any man should be subjected to. Messages of this nature including this statement form Ron Kangas is precisely why this movement has nothing to do with Biblical Christianity.
Be the light,

Welcome to the forum!

You are right, this concept of mediators features heavy in the local church in numerous forms:
  • minister of the age who God gives the vision to who then give the vision to everyone else
  • deputy authorities who "represent God" to you and who you are to submit to regardless of right or wrong
  • "needing the covering of the brothers" - a layer of protection because apparently they have some special something the rest don't have
  • "covering the sins of the brothers" - the thought that the leading brothers' sins should be covered as if they are a special class that requires special protection that only God can touch
  • the ministry itself - you must go to this to get light, etc

and on and on.

The confusing thing is that in the local church truth is mixed with falsehood. I distinctly remember hearing in trainings that "we can boldly approach the throne of grace!" and they tell you to "spend time with the Lord". But then it's all inextricably packaged with the above points that negate the truth that's occasionally spoken, and so the saints can't see what's going on.

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