Re: YouTube Channel - The Lord's Recovery Unchained
I think you make some good points, Trapped, if I could add some …
I believe the Genesis record describes literal physical events, and as a principle, the N.T., especially Revelations, describes a symbolic spiritual “figurative” reality. In other words the Tree of Life in Genesis was physical, visible, and it’s fruit could be eaten. The Tree of Life in Revelation, however, is not a physical tree, but a spiritual reality signifying God as the real source of life. Remember that the physical things that are seen are merely temporary, but that which is spiritual is unseen, real, and eternal.
A real good example of this is manna. Manna was actual food, visible, edible, providing for the survival of God’s chosen people, but real manna in John 6 was Jesus, the Son of God, as our heavenly spiritual food, coming down from heaven, giving us who believe eternal life as “food.”
The interpretation of the events in Genesis can be found in the NT. WL’s Tree of Knowledge “poison” interpretation should be rejected because it undermines Paul’s actual teachings in Romans 5. Adam transgressed God’s direct command, via his disobedience, hence “dying, you shall surely die.” If we consider Peter’s word, “a day to the Lord is a thousand years,” then Adam died on the same day he transgressed.
Concerning the New Jerusalem, I don’t believe any of these signs are physical. There are no physical streets of gold, etc. These are all descriptions of the coming spiritual reality. The city of NJ is not a physical place, but transformed people. She is our mother, and God is our Father.
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