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Old 12-20-2022, 07:04 AM   #49
Join Date: Mar 2018
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Default Re: Ron Kangas says Witness Lee is the greatest apostle since the apostle P

"Judge with righteous judgment" was Jesus speaking to the Jews. He wasn't saying righteous judgment was His. That is what He was instructing the Jews to do. The context was regarding the fact that they were okay to circumcise on the Sabbath because Moses "gave circumcision to them", and yet they were up in arms about Jesus making a whole man well on the Sabbath.

1 Corinthians 5 speaks specifically about judging those inside the church, and we are indeed to do it. The context is judging the very clear outward actions of someone - in that case the sexually immoral believer. I would also say the judgment of Diotrephes in 3 John and Paul's judgment of the false apostles in 2 Corinthians 11 show that we should indeed judge those inside the church, or who presume to be inside the church.

It's true only God can genuinely "see the heart".....but generally we make judgments based on words and actions. And Ron's words and actions are self-damning. If some Christian leader is going to stand on stage proclaiming that the earth should open up and swallow a couple truth tellers alive into Sheol, and then make jokes about the outcry after one of those truth tellers commits suicide......I'm gonna make some judgments about that leader and not worry one lick about whether I truly know his heart.

Standing against this kind of evil behavior that has infiltrated the church is one of the most important ways I can think of to keep the oneness of the Spirit.

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