Originally Posted by zeek
Thanks for answering. I find the videos interesting. When he says something I know already I’m happy to hear it confirmed. When I disagree, I’m glad that he’s free to express his opinion. Had such freedom existed in the LCs I might be meeting with them today.
To divide persons into Right and Left is divisive by definition. Witness how it leads us to quarrel among ourselves. That led to rancor on Alternative Views which grieved my spirit. Of course, you’re free to do it. I applaud that freedom. But, I’m going to try to avoid it this time around.
Ok, but I find it helpful, almost mandatory, to understand what our leaders are doing to us. Not what they say or promise to us, but what they are actually doing behind the scenes. Jesus apparently felt the same way, since he exposed the intentions of those who resisted the truth. Yes, that did divide the Jews, perhaps not left and right, but up and down, the saved and the unsaved, the believers and the hypocrites. It is these same evil stratagems, whether then or now, which are dividing us. To say nothing, to have no opinion, and to just follow along silently and obediently, is what all evil leaders want. Whether it was our time in the LC, Jesus’ time on earth, or just today’s situation, at the core of the matter is truth covered up by lies to deceive us. Agree?