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Old 12-14-2022, 09:48 AM   #192
Join Date: Jul 2021
Posts: 361
Default Re: YouTube Channel - The Lord's Recovery Unchained

Originally Posted by Ohio View Post
I do find it interesting how the Recovery has followed the Left concerning free of thought and speech. At first it was promoted because it exposed / attacked the establishment in power. Slowly, however, freedom of speech / opinions became dangerous and demonized by these same leaders when their power is at stake.
That’s an interesting take on freedom of speech. The first amendment only states that congress won’t pass laws “abridging the freedom of speech”. Nowhere does it state you won’t face social consequences for your speech.

It’s probably more accurate to say the Recovery has followed the “Right” concerning infringement free speech (if you’re defining it how the constitution does). Like the “Right” who ban hundreds of books each year, the Lord’s Recovery has banned via the article called “One Publication” any other printed material apart from Living Stream Ministry.

Elders in Local churches across the country have signed a document restricting their churches to only Living Stream Ministry publication.

In any church there are social consequences to speech, the disciples of Jesus faced social consequences from Jesus himself in their “free thought” and “free speech”. However, in the Local Church there are literally laws that prevent people from speaking freely or exploring other publications.
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