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Old 12-12-2022, 09:15 PM   #16
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Default Re:, how many locations are legit?

Originally Posted by TRG View Post
Hello all again,

I was reading this letter here on this site, The True Account - David Wang.

I couldn’t get these quotes out of my head, after reading them. You would think that the red flags 🚩 should be popping up in every person’s mind about this movement when they heard these people do their “trainings”. Mind blowing, unreal! How can anyone with any kind of discernment say this group is just some Christians that lost their way, when this is the way you proclaim the Gospel, and that’s the history of the beginning of this movement in this country? Wow!

I guess the term SPIRITUAL COMMUNISM sounds ON POINT, which was made by quite a few people over the years, and in letters and other posts I read.


Just my two cents here to add to this pot.

Actually, for those of us who had experienced the new way of the church can say that the new way, is precisely one of the most disingenuous, anti-testimony of Christ groups out there. Not many of us got out of it unscathed, and these words from the mouths of these deceivers, are 100% opposite of the truth! They sure try to rewrite history, including claiming that this started 500+ years ago. (It actually hasn’t even been around for 100 years to be exact).

Just to be upfront, the LSM is a publication arm of it, is nothing but a Central Propaganda Department, that puts out a lot of this kind of rhetoric through what they call “The Ministry of the Age”. The Central Propaganda Department (aka LSM), is an organ of the Lords Recovery Movement and ensures that media and all content follow the official line as mandated by the “Blended Bros”, or disciples of Lee. Its orders are enforced throughout the world via local “churches” at the provincial, municipal, county, and city level. The Defense Conformation Project is one of the primary “delegated authority” administrative office that oversees news media. The DCP in turn manages the Internet Affairs of the Local Churches responsible for overseeing all websites that publish their news.

The Blended bros, using LSM as a main publication entity, DCP as a watchdog entity, send out specific instructions to all “coworkers“, and “leading bros”. These instructions range from interdictions against coverage of certain events, to restrictions on sources and requirements in the current and the latest “leading” of the Lords Recovery Movement. The main mission of the LSM is to rewrite history and manufacture “reality”, and to confirm with the current needs of the ruling enlightened or spiritually deceived few. It is to integrate their ways and means on to all who are willing to give themselves over, for the BADGE OF AFFILIATION to the one, the only, undisputed, “Tha church”!

The order for advancing in this movement, or as most people in normal world would call spiritually growing, will depend on the amount of knowledge of the disseminated, approved propaganda, and how totally aligned you are with its founding leaders. Anyone that’s chosen to step over those bold red lines, will be terminated, quarantined, and eventually declared “spiritually dead” for interfering with god’s move on earth, or for questioning the spiritual delegated authority of God’s economy. This movement has very hard time advancing its cause in the western world, such as USA and Europe, due to the fact that people in those regions have not been exposed to tyrannical type of regimes. However, as the influx of refugees and people seeking opportunities in the west is increasing, those will and are becoming primary targets of these type of groups.

Exchange students, have long been one of the main targets of these groups for a while now, due to a little investment thats required to spread faster around the world. People from regions of the world, where they have been broken and abused by the local governments are naturally more preconditioned to fall for this type of group, due to familiarity, predisposition to group think kind of mentality, which is in most cases happens without being aware of it. Younger generations of Americans who are born after 1990s, and especially in the past 25 years are extremely likely to join these kind of movements due to the educational indoctrinations that have taken place in this country.

In conclusion,

-if you enjoy being lorded over, have your faith weaponized, your mind brainwashed, your entire life turned upside down, you will feel right at home.

-If you enjoy revolutionary mentality, always looking for someone to make you a victim, and have a desire to be part of the exclusive army of “God”, (to bring the lord back, as they claim), you will have every opportunity to put yourself in motion.

-if you love to, and need a constant affirmation of the superiority of this klan over everyone that existed prior to this group in the world, your needs will be constantly met.

-if floating down the river vs swimming upstream, where there is no effort is necessary, but just enjoyment of the central propaganda issued subscriptions, as in “TV dinner” type presentation, you will feast like a king, daily.

-if you don’t enjoy confrontations, any kind of genuine curiosity to consider that you can test, examine, question the status quo, including the minister of the age, but you rather go with the “flow”, you will have great time blending into the masses of likeminded parishioners.

-if you are a type that constantly seeking newest, latest, most up to date speaking from “God”, the highest of the experiences to uplift your enjoyment and your environment, these man can turn even the most obvious, reinvent the oldest, let you experience the latest manufactured “Reality”, all under the slogans of “recovery”.

All of this is to say, can anyone spot a robbery in progress? During daylight hours, while all man should be vigilant and sober, but it’s happening. Not many are looking for the best interest of your family, neighbor, and not even for your own self.

Just my two cents.
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