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Old 12-08-2022, 10:38 AM   #188
Join Date: Jul 2011
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Default Re: YouTube Channel - The Lord's Recovery Unchained

Originally Posted by gr8ful View Post
Just watched / listened to the video on opinions. I recall being a young person and, at a high school or college conference, being told "opinions are like onions..." and it definitely stuck with me.

While I agree that the Church in the New Testament isn't a democracy (although, some might make a counter argument based on the Council at Jerusalem in Acts 15, but I digress), the utter destruction of any independent thought as taught informally in the Church Life and officially as recorded in WL's Collected Works, is completely uncalled for. Only a cult would seek to silence independent thought.

This matches well with the cultic teaching against reading the Bible without W Lee's ministry to "understand" and avoid "poison."

But in the case of the "opinion = onion" matter, the people most impacted are the innocent children brought under the influence of The Lord's Recovery without their consent.
I agree with you wholeheartedly. The suppression of freedom of thought and expression preached and practiced in the so-called Lord’s Recovery was the primary reason I chose to leave.

Ken Gemmer- Church in Detroit, Church in Fort Lauderdale, Church in Miami 1973-86

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