Originally Posted by Ohio
I think we all would agree with this. If a friend asked me a question about some topic in The Bible, I would never point them to the teachings of WL, even if his teaching on the topic was helpful. It’s just too risky.
I agree I wouldn't point a someone unfamilar with Lee to him. But, that isn't the case with us, and someone who was in the LR may have learned valuable truth there. Let's say for example that they accepted Christ as savior or received the teaching of the indwelling Spirit or other spiritual truths there. Should they then reject those teachings because they came from Lee? I say no, because as you have pointed out elsewhere some do exactly that when they leave the LR and fall into complete unbelief. I think we should be helping them to see that truth is truth regardless of the instrument through which it comes.And that's especially hard to do when you've been wounded by that instrument. You have to be able to get past the pain and the disillusion and resentment. It really can't be done without the grace of God. As far as human intervention is concerned it may be a Matthew 17:21 kind of situation.